Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Junction 27 of M6 Motorway, Wrightington

I had to go to Liverpool this morning, so I decided to take the M6 down to the M58.
Just as I was driving round the roundabout, to join the motorway, I glimpsed down onto the road below. I saw three lanes of solid, stationary, southbound traffic.

Fortunately I had time to carry on round the roundabout and head back over Parbold Hill to join the M58 at Skelmersdale. I heard on the radio later that road works were the problem. If I hadn't looked over the rail I could have been stuck for hours...

That's the problem with motorways. We rely on them, at least I do. I plan my journies assuming the motorway will be clear. But it appears more and more I just can't do it, not if I want to get anywhere on time.

The M6 passes through the eastern edge of Wrightington. But it isn't like a forgotten landmark that exists somewhere on the periphery. The M6 is the lifeblood for Wrightington.
Virtually every adult in Wrightington can drive. They have to because there are no 'services' in walking distance. No Doctor, no Dentist, no supermarket, no optician, no ..... etc.
Every adult must drive or be at the mercy of their family or friends.

The M6 allows wealthy people from far away to live in the quiet seclusion of Wrightington, yet travel to work or go shopping in Manchester, Liverpool, Chester or Preston, or hundreds of other towns that are within an hours drive of Wrightington. The M6 allows the people of Wrightington to breeze up and down the country.

But it can't last.

Over the last ten years, I have seen the M6 become so congested, that arriving at work on time can no longer be guaranteed. And if you can't get to work on time, you won't get paid. And if you don't get paid, you wont be able to afford to live in Wrightington. So something will have to be done.

Already, city and town centres all over the North West are bursting with new apartments, that are designed for 'easy living'.

I think that translates to 'avoiding the M6'.

Harrock Hill, Wrightington

Today is Tuesday 28th February 2006. It is just past midnight.
If I don't do this now, I never will.
I promised myself I would start this blog in February, so I guess I have succeeded in achieving a minor goal.

Earlier today, Monday, was a beautiful, crisp, promise-of-spring kind of day.
I like to walk sometimes... and today I walked.
I ended up going over Harrock Hill, across the fields to the old windmill.
The ground was hard, barely above freezing.

I didn't see too much wildlife today, it must have been hiding. Just as well really.
The usual monday crowd were out.
Chaps in cheap coats, waving sticks, beating frozen dead ferns, chasing pheasants and partridge towards chaps in expensive coats and even more expensive guns.

I said 'Hello' to the nearest beater. He looked up briefly but said nothing, he lowered his head into his coat and I wandered on.
I guess he didn't hear me.
Least, I hope he didn't.